About Me
I talk too much and probably listen too little. But I’m self-aware (at times), and I’m working on the listening part. I’m that friend who has an opinion on every topic, and I love to debate. I love learning, will dance at the drop of a beat, and I love good energy.
Maybe it’s the byproduct of being raised by psychologists, but I’m fascinated by relationships of all kinds. Hence, this blog. How we connect as people intrigues me. There’s an art and a science to it.
Professionally, I meet most people at the implosion of their relationship with another person. I’m an attorney. My job is literally to sift through the wreckage of what was once a functioning (or at least happier) relationship. This vantage point allows me to be privy to common themes that seem to tear people apart.
And as a mama’s girl — yes, I made that up for the thousands of us who exist — I’ve always looked at these fractures through the lens of the lessons she’s taught me. If I could stand on a pulpit and say anything to the world, it would be, “Listen to my mama!” I love hearing her take on life — except when she gets frantic about having grandbabies — but she’s allowed her flaws.
Either way, the best parts of me actually sit outside of me. My parents’ love story is the sweetest I’ve ever seen. My brothers and cousins are among the funniest people I know. My sister is my best friend and the absolute realest. My family is a funnier, doper version of the Huxtables (before the bubble burst!). I’ve grown up in love. I am simply a reflection of that.