
  • Self

    Take a Break. And Don’t Feel Guilty

    SO!......I took a teeny, tiny break from the blog. (Actually, a break from writing, period). Aaaaaand it was longer than I expected…*insert nervous smile emoji*.... But honestly, I have no regrets. I rested. I rejuvenated myself. And I prioritized what needed my attention. This past Mother’s Day, as I turned my attention back to my blog (and writing), I was reminded of how my mother has never made me feel guilty about resting when I needed to. Ever. In fact, she’s only encouraged it.

  • Self

    How I Survived My 30-Day Detox During Quarantine!

    If you’ve ever tried a detox, you know it will have you living in the bathroom. Detoxes are like Debo. When they come to town, they run shit. It’s almost impossible to live normally when you’re trying to detox. I’ve tried to detox too many times to count, and the last time, I swore that these vegans would not get me again.  But here I am. Same mess, different day. They got me. Fortunately, this go-round, quarantining and social distancing helped me in a major way. The last time I detoxed, I was working a full nine-to-five, and it wasn’t pretty. (Try making oral arguments in front of a judge…