• Friendship

    Why We Should Stop Calling People Toxic

    Being called toxic is like being the boogeyman in this day and age. None of us wants that label slapped on our back. Without missing a beat, we’ll sidestep a toxic label like a Heisman trophy winner and not look back. But even quicker, we’ll play pretend quarterback, hauling the term off at whoever we think fits the bill. In the name of all things Hall Monitor, we police these streets for the toxic urchins roaming among us. They are not safe in our presence. And we don’t play about our shit.

  • Friendship

    Poor Communication 101: How Issa & Molly Got Here

    Molly went so left on Sunday’s episode of Insecure, I almost pulled off my earrings and jumped through the screen for Issa. I think we all wanted to pull up, wheel Molly away, and deliver her to the nearest therapist’s office for an emergency session. Whether or not Issa was wrong to contact Molly’s man behind her back, the type of public confrontation Molly initiated is never appropriate. Period. But how did these two ‘best friends’ even get here? Two words — poor communication. I’ve been where Molly and Issa are. I’ve let issues build up without saying a word. Little jabs, here and there. Slick comments that go unchecked. Then all of…

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